Our Design Process
The initial consultation is complimentary. We meet onsite to discuss your aspirations and objectives for the garden. We thoughtfully consider your site, lifestyle and architecture when assessing the unique design opportunities that each client and garden brings.
Concept plan
This is the first stage of bringing your new garden to fruition.
Based on the information we have gained from the consultation we begin exploring concepts and developing a design for you. This will typically involve several more meetings.
When finalised you will receive a tailor-made detailed landscape design document.
This will include a combination of scaled layout plans, planting schedules, 3d imaging and any other information required to explain the concept adequately.
These documents will be referred to through out the construction stage.
Building gardens is an exacting process and requires technical expertise and horticultural knowledge to deliver successful results. We only collaborate with trusted and reputable Landscape contractors to provide a quote for installation. We want the process to be a positive one that continues long after construction is complete. We stay involved to address issues that arise on site.
Should your project require detailed construction plans for consent or building purposes these will be charged as a separate fee.
Consultation/Advice Service
If you do not wish to commit to any physical design work, we offer a consultation/ advice service where we visit you at the property and discuss the site, giving ideas and inspiration for you to take forward in your own direction. This is charged on a time fee basis.